Monday 6 June 2016

Matcha (Green Tea) panna cotta

I am a fan of matcha for nearly 25 years.  I firstly had matcha ice-cream when I had visited Japan in 1991.  Then I tried matcha cake, tea, mochi and so on.  A few years later, I read some articles about matcha and love it more and more. 

Matcha is a stone-ground powdered green tea used in traditional Japanese tea ceremonies.  It is made from ground up whole tea leaves.  It contains three times more of the catechins than other kinds of standard green tea.  Besides, it is rich in antioxidants which help fight against cancer and heart disease.  The taste of matcha is strong; some of my friends describe it as grass or spinach-like.  The taste of high quality matcha is smooth and mellow, and not at all bitter.  A high quality matcha should have a bright green colour.  I always buy those which come from Japan.  Recently, one of my friends gives me a pack of matcha powder after visiting Tokyo and I think of making matcha panna cotta.

Matcha (Green Tea) panna cotta

Preparation time: 5 minutes
Cooking time: 45 minutes
Chilling time: 4 hours
Serve: 4

l   350g fresh milk
l   150g single cream
l   45g sugar
l   3 tsp matcha powder
l   100g hot water
l   10g gelatine powder

Red bean paste
l   50g red beans
l   3 tsp brown sugar
l   800g water

For the matcha powder mixture: In a large bowl, mix matcha powder with hot water thoroughly.  Then add gelatin powder into the bowl and stir well until the gelatin powder is totally dissolved.  Set aside.

In a non-stick pot, mix milk, cream and sugar.  Stir thoroughly. 

Put the pot over low heat, use a wooden spoon to stir the milk mixture until the sugar is totally dissolved.

Add the ready-made milk mixture into the bowl and mix well with the matcha powder mixture.  Then drain the mixture through a fine sieve.  Stir well.

Meanwhile, pour the mixture into the moulds.  Let them cool down and chill in the fridge for 4 hours.

For the red bean paste: clean and soak the red beans in a bowl of water at least 3 hours.  Then boil the red beans in a small saucepan for 30 minutes until it is a bit soft.  Place the beans in a bowl and mix with brown sugar until the sugar is dissolved.  Add the red bean paste on the top of the panna cotta.

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